Who We Are

We are a non-profit organization that is founded in July 2021 by Dr. Yanping Yu. We host a variety of events and clubs operated by youth to empower them and build their confidence, to enrich the younger generation and fulfill their fullest potential, to learn how to collaborate, support and contribute, and finally become a helpful, useful member of our society.



Dr. Yanping Yu, President

Dr. Yanping Yu is a first generation Chinese American who came to the United States of America on her own. She has attended Sun Yat-sen Medical University and Beijing Medical University in China and obtained her MD degree in 1989. She went to NYU Medical University for Internal Medicine and Nephrology training from 1994 to 1999. She is a Board Certified Nephrologist, a member of American Society of Nephrology and American Medical Association. She is the recipient of the 2021 Distinguished Asian American Award granted by the Suffolk County Asian American Board. Most importantly, she is the proud mom of Owen Dong and Kevin Dong. Both have been taking tennis lessons at the young age of five. Their love for tennis, the physical and mental benefit from the longer term regular practice prompted her to establish a tennis club for the youth, with the older children teaching the younger ones while having fun playing. In the process, it evolved into a non profit youth development organization which encompasses multiple clubs with the purpose of providing the opportunities for every child to learn, to improve, to grow, to lead, to contribute, and prepare them to enter the society to lead an independent life.

The slogan for this organization is “ From the Youth, For the Youth, For the Future”. Each club is established and operated by the founders. The website, logo, banner, T shirt were designed by our founders. Everyone of them have demonstrated tremendous enthusiasm, talent and dedication. They truly are our hope, our pride, our future.

Advisory Board

  • Dr. Yanping Yu, Chair

    Dr. Yanping Yu is a Board Certified Nephrologist currently working at St. Charles Hospital, St Catherine Hospital and Fresenius Dialysis Center.

  • Lin Guan, Co-Chair

    Lynn is a Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriter and Vice President of Internal Audit at Allied World Assurance Company in New York City.

  • H. Wang, Board Member

    Mrs. Wang is a project associate at Stony Brook University Hospital.

  • M. Wang, Board Member

    Mrs. Wang is a registered architect, currently working for H2M Architects & Engineers.

  • Dr. J. Yang, Board Member

    Dr. Yang is an Associate Professor in the Stony Brook University.

  • B. Zhang, Board Member

    Mrs. Zhang is a Certified Public Accountant and NYS Certified Business Advisor currently working for SBDC Stony Brook.

  • Dr. K.X. Wang, Board Member

    Dr. Wang is an investment specialist with a capital market company.