Coding Club

The aim of this coding club is to introduce computer programming basics for participating club members in a team setting. The club's primary focus is on learning different programming languages like Python, C++, Java, etc., and creating applications, websites, and games using different programming languages. A series of short courses such as Introduction to Python, website development using Java, advanced programming using Python, and building scratch games will be offered throughout the year for club members with varying programming experiences.

For more information, please email:!

Class Resources

  • Introduction to Python & Introduction to Java

    Saturdays, 4 - 5PM

    Join the Google Classroom with this code:


  • Michael Wei, President

    Michael is a part of the Class of 2025 at Ward Melville High School. He is the secretary for the school’s Computer Science Club and competes in USACO. Michael has built various websites, machine-learning models, and games for his projects. He’s also been involved in his school’s math team and science olympiad clubs since seventh grade, qualifying for AIME with distinction. Additionally, Michael is in the Ward Melville Chamber Orchestra and was in the MYO Symphony orchestra. He is a former Junior Varsity tennis captain and enjoys biking in his free time.

  • Shirley Xiong, President

    Shirley is a part of the Class of 2025 at Ward Melville High School. She is currently co-president of Math Team and Coding Club at Ward Melville, and teaches math and coding at LIYD. Shirley is a five time AIME Qualifier. She has received Distinguished Honor Roll in the AMC 10 competitions. In her free time, Shirley enjoys reading, playing piano, and listening to music. She hopes to help the future generations develop a stronger interest and passion in math and computer sciences through teaching at LIYD.

  • Aditya Kumar, Instructor

    Aditya Kumar, a part of the Class of 2026 at Ward Melville High School, serves as the secretary for Ward Melville's Computer Science Club. His passion lies in teaching coding to younger STEM enthusiasts, where he has taught python and math to elementary students. Aditya’s journey began with advanced computer science and math courses through the Schoolnova program. Beyond tech, he’s active in marketing, graphic design, and music, participating in the robotics and bluegrass clubs, as well as the symphony orchestra.

  • Tina Xing, Teacher Assistant

    Tina Xing is a part of the Class of 2026 at WMHS and is the vice president of the WMCS club. She taught 4th-6th graders Python and Scratch at Emma Clark Library and can create relatively intermediate to advanced games on Scratch, like 2D scrolling platformers. Tina also was top 150 in HiMCM (Math modeling contest), where she used Python to program functions to propose solutions to non-quantitative "real-world" problems. She enjoys front-end development and would love to learn game dev with Unity and Xcode some day.