Finance Club

First Google Meet Meeting Saturday, October 5th at 8pm

Click Here to Register!

The finance club is both an introduction to the personal and career applications of finance. In order to understand applications of finance as a career in preparation for future studies in college, this club cultivates knowledge regarding types of investments, sectors, investment and portfolio building strategies, and means of evaluating a company, which are then practiced by developing a portfolio using investment simulator in group activities. In order to prepare members for their own adult lives, it also takes an early dive into types of savings accounts, taxes, and banking.

Meet the Team

  • Benjamin Haase

    Co-Founder and President

  • Elaine Ma

    Co-Founder and President

Ben Haase is a junior at Ward Melville High School. He has been involved in Science Olympiad since he moved to the Three Village school district, and served as a captain of Gelinas SCIO in his freshman year, worked as a summer music intern, and worked with a four person team in the Wharton investment competition.

Elaine Ma is a Freshman at Sayville High School. Her hobbies include playing piano, cooking, and acting. She is currently working on her own small business where she creates her own stickers. Elaine has been in many clubs in her school. She was President of Hope Club where she led several fundraisers and managed the club's budget, and she contributed to her school's activities through Student Council. Elaine won her 8th grade Student Council election as Media and Communications Coordinator and has recently won her election for Freshman President. 

Learn about investing and personal finance topics like

  • taxes

  • savings

  • portfolio strategies

  • stock market investing

  • sector analysis

    and more!