Biology Club

Welcome to Biology Club! Our goal is to teach general biology, explore its applications in different fields of science, and offer preparation and tips for biology events in Science Olympiad through interactive and engaging activities. Our classes will cover topics ranging from genetics to immunology. In addition, we will be offering detailed preparation and resources for competing in Science Olympiad events such as Bio Process Lab, Ecology, and Disease Detectives.

For more information, please email:

  • Eric Liu, President

    Eric is in the Class of 2027 at Ward Melville High School. He was a member of the Gelinas Science Olympiad team and received many medals in Anatomy and Physiology for two years. He was part of the Wind Ensemle, Jazz Band and Tri-M music honors society. In his free time, he likes studying biology and doing cryptograms.

  • Sarah Wu, President

    Sarah Wu is in the Class of 2027 at Ward Melville High School. Biology is one of her academic interests. Sarah has been competing in Science Olympiad for the past three years, and one of her events is always related to biology. She received 5th place at the national tournament for an event called Bio Process Lab. In addition, she has leadership experience from LIYD as she is the co-founder and president of both Cooking and Baking Club and Community Outreach and Fundraising Club. Sarah has received the PVSA gold award for the past three years. In the future, she wishes to become a doctor in order to help the people in need.

More information coming soon!