Debate Club

I intend to begin Debate Club by introducing debate topics from previous years and brainstorming potential arguments as a group. I will follow-up with a full introduction to the Lincoln-Douglas debate format. Over the course of a month and a half until August 8th, I will introduce the students to the debate process firsthand. On a vote, they will decide which topic to focus on. Then, we will go through the process of developing a "case," culminating in debates between the students. I will teach them flowing (speed notes during the round), research skills, and most importantly case composition and writing. The official monthly topic by the NSDA is released on August 8th. At this point, we would switch to brainstorming, researching, and writing for a real set of cases that could be used at a competition.

For more information, please email:

  • Anna Potekhin, Founder, President and Instructor

    Anna is a sophomore at Ward Melville High School. She enjoys studying languages and rhetoric. She won first place at the 2022 Jericho Debate State Elimination Tournament. She competes on the Three Village Mock Trial Team, which won second place in the region. She graduated from the Russian and French courses at SchoolNova and learned linguistic science at the SigmaCamp summer program. Anna serves on the Ward Melville Spanish Honor Society Board as the treasurer. She has provided tutoring to her peers and underclassman for four years and currently serves as a Teacher's Assistant at the SchoolNova enrichment program. Anna raised over two thousand dollars for a local historical organization over 2021 and received the Gold Presidential Volunteer Service Award. She's excited to one day be a lawyer and currently works to bring the love of language to those around her. In her free time, she likes poetry and acrylic painting.

  • Ted Li, Vice President

    Ted is an 8th grader at Gelinas Junior High School. He has been taking debate classes and has competed in Harvard National High School Invitational Forensics Tournament, along with other competitions, for the last two years. He loves learning about history and english language arts and likes learning about science. He enjoys logical thinking and having friendly arguments. Ted is a member of the Science Olympiad, Math Team, Jazz Band, and Tennis Team at Gelinas. He has played piano for 6 years and has played the flute for 5 years. In his spare time, Ted enjoys reading, scrolling through current news, playing tennis, and doing mind puzzles. He aspires to encourage critical thinking and sharing thoughts with others.