Stony Brook Children’s Hospital Donations

12/21/2023 LIYD donated $1,438.00 to the Stony Brook Children’s Hospital

In the year of 2023, several clubs in LIYD held different fundraising events: art club, community outreach and fundraising club, cooking and baking club, & music and performing arts club. They raised $1,438.00 in total and decided to donate to Stony Brook Children’s Hospital. Ms. Eileen Colletti, Sr. Director of Development and Mr. Bryan Sekunda, Director of Development, from the Stony Brook Children’s Hospital held donation ceremony and applauded what our LIYD kids had done to our local communities. Leaders and representatives from these clubs joined this event along with LIYD president, Dr. Yanping Yu: Isabelle Chen, Julia Hou, Jacqueline Janny, Bella Li, Charles Liu, Mia Liu, Elaine Ma, Luna Wang, Sarah Wu, Aimee Yang, Angelina Zhang, Chelsie Zhao, Sandy Zhao as shown in the picture below. Credits should also go to Oliver Wu.

On January 28, 2024, Ashley donated $400 to the Stony Brook Children’s Hospital from her handmade bracelet sale. In the past years, our art club donated animal plushies and vegetable gardening club donated $200 from its sale to the Stony Brook Children’s Hospital.


Dragon Boat Festival


Annual Fundraising Party